Sunday, October 5, 2008

What are the new requirements of ISO9001:2008 ?

The major concern among all ISO9001 practitioners is what are the new requirements of ISO9001:2008.

ISO 9001:2008 does not contain any new major requirements.

ISO TC176 Committee have recognized that ISO 9001:2008 introduces no new requirements of significiance.

The changes to ISO 9001:2008 are mainly clarifications to the existing requirements of ISO 9001:2000 based on eight years of experience of implementing the standard world wide with about one million certificates issued in 170 countries to date. The changes seen in ISO9001:2008 hence are minor.

So, ISO9001 practitioners need to only amend the Quality Manual....and may be some Procedures.

ISO9001:2008 also contains changes intended to improve consistency in line with ISO14001:2004.

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